
Leeside Skateboard Mayhem 

Somewhere in the lost, dark night of Vancouver, BC, Canada on October 31, 2011, streetsurfers, rumbletumblers, and their fans gathered for a night of ghoulish fun and games.

Performers included Vampires Dream, Banana, Lemmy, She Wolfs, Manwolfs, Ladyman, Scarecrow, Werewolf, and, of course, Long Underwear Man, dressed in his red union suit.

It's really surprising where all we find public performers like this Union Suit Fan in the Limelight, known to the crowd and participants as "Long Underwear Man:" 

Long Underwear Man is joined by another skater
who drops his pants to show he's wearin
 his union suit too.

To see the video of this mayhem, 

     Copy and Paste:   https://vimeo.com/35557799

Long Underwear Man joins these knarly dudes in the Long John Skateboard and Sledding Hall of Fame, previously featured herein


Comin' Soon to Union Suit Fans in the Limelight, a new posting: Long Underwear Bands, like The Long Johns and The Union Suits. Watch for them and their interesting and amusing stories!


Movie Trivia:

In what 1965 Columbia Pictures movie did Lee Marvin play a dual role winning an Academy Award for Best Actor? Who was his co-star? In this movie, Marvin appeared twice in union suits. One was a faded raggedy suit of long underwear which was revealed when he quickly and drunkenly drew his pistol causing his britches to fall down. Later the other suit was a spanking new white one as he prepared for a final showdown with his nemesis. Bonus Questions: What was the name of the character Marvin played while in his faded red union suit? And, how about the name of the white union suited character? 

You can participate by answering in the comment section below. If you use "Anonymous," please add your first name or nick name, last name optional, and your home town. Or, if you like, email me your answers at cayersnd@gmail.com

Added August 25, 2021:

Thanks to all of you who emailed me with your answers to "Movie Trivia," including Chad, Eddie, Josh, Richard, Torrie and Michael. Thanks to to Macheath48 who, in his comments below, gave us the names of the two characters Marvin played in his dual role: Kid Shelleen and Tim Strawn. 

Great job everyone. You all nailed the popular classic, Cat Ballou, the film title from the woman's name in this film, played by Marvin's co-star, Jane Fonda. The young man assisting Kid Shelleen in getting dressed and tightening his girdle was Tom Nardini who played Jackson Two Bears. Cat Ballou was filmed in late 1964 at Buckskin Joes just outside Canyon City, Colorado, at Columbia Pictures Ranch in Los Angeles, and on Columbia's sound stages.

Here's some more shots of the drunken gunman from the movie: 

And later, the Kid cleaned up, bathed and wearing a new union suit:

Buy, rent or stream today. It's a western classic!.... Chris