
Movie Trivia Time! 

New Question: Ok, smarty pants, quickly, whose the kid in this movie who had hardly begun to shave, playing opposite Sharon Stone shown below? No wonder the boy is smiling!

Answer: Lickety-Split, Peter answers: a very young Leonardo DiCaprio opposite Sharon Stone in the quick and dead movie.  Peter also asks, Is there a scene in quick and dead with Gene Hackman in his union suit too?

Yes, there is, Peter. Look for an all new posting of the movie, "The Quick and The Dead."

Can you determine from what western movie this scene is taken?
             Answer: The Quick and The Dead (1995)

Peter Kenth was the first to solve this trivia. The movie was "The Quick and The Dead."  See his comments below. Coming in second place was Lonestar Mike who named the actor and the character he portrayed. Super job fellas. I thought this one would stump everyone. 

Here is one early Trivia puzzles I presented and was solved by Peter back in September, 2020:

Well, that didn't take long. Peter Kenth answered correctly the name of the movie in which a pleasant drunk wildly danced outside the Red Dog Saloon in his union suit. See my previous posting of September 16th where I posed the question. The film was Warner Brothers "The Frisco Kid," filmed in 1979 and, as Peter pointed out, starred Gene Wilder and Harrison Ford. I'm not absolutely certain, but believe the long underwear clad actor was Alex Romero:


  1. The Quick and the Dead
    1995 ‧ Western/Action ‧ 1h 48m

    1. Great job, Peter. You are always on the ball! Mystifies me how you are typically the first or near the first to get my trivia so quickly. What's your secret? I know you check out my blogs. It's been a while since I have had an email from you. Send me another as I'd really like to hear more about your insight into the world of union suits and it would be great for you to do a "guest contribution" to the blogs re: your apparent insight into button-down one piece long underwear. Gosh, I feel you should receive an invite into the International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans I featured this past month.
      Stay tuned for more scenes as to how ole Ace ended up stripped to his underwear in the middle of main street in the old west.... Chris

  2. The Quick and the Dead. That's Lance Henriksen played as Ace Hanlon. Lonestar Mike

  3. Lonestar! Great hearing from you and adding more info as to the unlucky western actor who died without his boots on as well as all his clothes. Hope you liked being inducted into the International Brotherhood of Union Suit Wearers. I suppose it's getting too warm down in Amarillo to be wearing your union suits. Stay in touch, pal... Chris

    1. The weather been really warm here lately, haven't been wearing my union suit for a while. Can't wait for the cooler season. Lonestar Mike.

  4. thanks Chris for a great blog. a very young leonardo dicaprio opposite Sharon stone in the quick and dead movie.

    Is there a scene in Quick and Death with Gene Hackman in his union suit too ?

    1. Yes, Hackman, as John Herod, late one night, sits at his desk in his union suit, contemplating the next day...Chris
