
Hey Limelighter Fans!

Can't believe it has been nearly a month since I've posted anything to this blog. Well, mainly I've been busy posting almost daily in my other blog, Union Suit Fans! If for some reason you've missed those postings, switch over to USF and see stories of some really extraordinary union suit devotees.

Now, here it is about three weeks from the official day of summer. But have no fear, union suit stories, anecdotes and photos will continue even as many of us wait for cooler weather to again don our favorite underwear.

To kick off this season, here's SPLASH! sent in by Retro Jeff who found this cool, or should I say "cold" video.... 

It's Easier Than It Looks: Ice Bucket Challenge:

Just copy and paste to view:


Coming to Union Suit Fans in the Limelight soon:

He wasn't the quickest but sure was one of the deadest! 

Watch for it! 

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