
David Lee Roth – Union Suit Fan

As does Rich of Buffalo, Bay Area Bill, Lakeside Myron, me and others of you, rock star David Lee Roth (1954 -) of Van Halen, takes comfort in wearing union suits to sleep in. He holds court in a 1984 Friday Night Videos interview while relaxing in bed in his union suit. 

All right, his long underwear looks orange but take it from me, they were red back in the day! 

Roth was such a big Union Suit Fan that, in recognition of his 1991 Tour, “A Little Ain't Enough,” Roth and a couple members of his staff designed and presented bright red union suits to his Road Crew and Management Staff as well as to radio stations to promote and commemorate his tour. Roth enjoyed union suits so much he thought others would too. The long, warm underwear kept the group comfortable as they traveled and performed that year.

The front of the Roth's long underwear has no design and is like any other union suit, plain with buttons from collar to crotch. 

It's the back of this union suit that sets it apart from all others.

A Big Shout Out to Rich of Buffalo for
Pointing me to Roth's Union Suit Interview!
Thanks, Rich!


  1. Hey Chris, Glad to see that David Lee Roth made it to Union Suit Fans In The Limelight. (I think he's been out of the Limelight for awhile now)But hopefully he's still enjoying his button-down-underwear as much as the rest of us are. And you never know he might just comment on this page himself one of these chilly mornings. Rich from Buffalo, New York where it's another cold day.

    1. Happy New Year, Rich! Hope 2019 is a great one for you. Thanks for the Roth suggestion. Interesting to see rock stars wearing Union Suits too! This blog and Union Suit Fan would not be the same without contributors like you!
