
Long Underwear Bands

At least three Long Underwear Bands use "Long Johns" in their album and stage names. Foremost among these is the four person, four piece band plus one rooster, The Long Johns. This east coast group includes a girl singer-guitar player, three dudes and that crowing rooster. Despite the name, not one in this ensemble are named "John," unless it's an unknown middle name.  At least two of the guys seem to always wear blue union suits with the tops seen above their britches and under jackets or vests. And union suits mean long johns and long johns means country. And that's what this band proudly wears and plays.

The Long Johns' members are Sian Evans (vocals, banjo, guitar), Steven Buchanan (sousaphone), Paul Watson (guitar, banjo) and Richard Needham (drums). When performing or cutting an album, they easily utilize sounds emitting from a creaking door, a rooster crowing, a spittoon dinging, a chain gang clanking, the pounding of pots and pans, or a washboard zinging.

Their sound has been described as "spooky country with that old timey swing, tincture of dark country and barnyard bangers."   All and all, they are pretty darn good. Their songs include Clubfootin' and Hound Dog. Take a listen, The Long Johns will keep you warm on the cold nights ahead.

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