
Two More International Long Underwear Bands!

You've already discovered Thee Long Johns, a scandalous Scandinavian band from Norway who typically perform live in concerts in just their union suits. You know, the ones brought to you in this blog who hammer out rock music on stage and in videos wearing only one-piece long underwear with the button flap in the rear end (see my postings of October 16, 2021 and July 3, 2018).

Now along comes The Long Johns Band (La banda de Long Johns). This band, named for long underwear, was formed in 2013 and are from Santander, Cantabria, Spain.

Members include Darío Sueiro (vocals, guitar), Andoni Elorriaga (drums, percussion, vocals), Óscar García (bass), and, joining in 2017, Carlos Moreno (guitar). Excelentes artistas en ropa interior larga, ¿no?  

Their music is first and foremost blues but, on occasion, southern rock and jazz are intermingled. The Long Johns Band entertained for six years, saying goodbye to their fans in 2019. Hombres in Spain wear union suits, don't they?

And how about these blokes based in Bristol, England. This talented four, sometimes five, member a cappella group perform traditional English folk music mixed with maritime songs based on the British Isles long association with the sea, whaling and salty aires. I have not the foggiest idea if they wear union suits or any other type of long underwear. But their namesake, The Longest Johns, denote their place along side other Long Underwear Bands.

The Longest Johns are recognized as exceptional performers, being appreciated by hundreds of fans at the Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival, for example, and have been featured on the BBC. Some of their “shanties” date back hundreds of years. Yet, these five mates are just as comfortable performing their own folk ballads. You could say all their music is "sea worthy."  

As a young man, I visited England and travelled to Bristol. Much of the year across the pond is cool and rainy, so I remembered to carry an umbrella and wore my union suits for the entire two weeks. Of course, union suits are called "combinations" in Britain as my hosts reminded me when they discovered the underwear I was sporting.

When you visit, just don't forget to pack your Long Johns. You'll need them!

1 comment:

  1. As I read the information about bands with the word "longjohns and union suits" in their name, it brings a question to my mind. Back in the 80s and 90s for sure, some bands were considered "grunge" bands. The wore torn pants and tops. There were some bands with members that wore long underwear under their top clothes. Some members even wore the long underwear under shorts and t-shirts like it was everyday attire. I will admit to being a long underwear enthusiast wether it is union suit or the two piece. I just love wearing long underwear and seeing others that wear it too. Do any readers of this site remember any bands that showed off their long underwear while on the stage?
